Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Continued Ramblings......

Having ranted recently about the cheap Chinese equipment available I have still bought yet another Leixen radio. This time it's the VV-808 UHF version, to go with the VV-808 VHF set that I bought several months ago. This joins the Leixen VV-898 dual bander that I also bought some months ago.

My collection of Baofeng and Wouxun handheld radios increases almost daily. I now possess :

1× Baofeng UV-3R
2× Baofeng UV-5R
1× Baofeng UV-5S
1× Baofeng UV-82
1× Baofeng GT-3
1× Wouxun KG-699 4m
1× Wouxun KG-689 VHF
1× Midland CT-410 UHF

That is the current list of Chinese stuff, add to that my Icom IC-208, Yaesu FT-60 and Alinco DJ-V57 and you could say I have UHF and VHF covered!

The next thing for my attention is a decent collinear for V/UHF then it's on to the HF stuff.

I'm studying for my Intermediate exam at the moment so once I  have that under my belt it's a Yaesu FT-857 with a good quality wire antenna from Nigel, M0CVO,  and all the accoutrements involved with HF (ATU,  etc.).

I shudder to think how much more I'm going to spend on this hobby - probably a small fortune, but hey, there's always something to add to the list. Santa,  if you're reading this that Yaesu would be nice..........

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